Friday, October 12, 2007

General Update

Friday, October 12:

Completed informal presentations this week, need to include more detail for final submission. Now, will begin to work towards developing a final selection and completing a decent model. The final solution will most likely be an amalgamation of all ideas developed.

Tuesday, October 16:

Continuing to work on model. This will be a video file that will be in essence a "trailer" of the game and will give viewers a basic feel for how the final product will appeal to their senses. By this weekend I should be able to complete my Selection/Rejection Report, and should be prepared by the 31st to submit everything else that is due.

Friday October 19:

Continuing work on my model. It will be a video file using the sprites and backgrounds that will appear in the final game. Over the weekend I plan on finishing the necessary drawings, and completing my Selection/Rejection Report.

Tuesday October 23:

Continuing work from previous weeks. I should have my Selection/Rejection Report completed by the weekend.

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