Thursday, November 15, 2007

November Calendar


Week 1 (Nov. 19 - 24):

Monday: Create Calendar of events
Tuesday: Begin learning C++. Update blog.
Wednesday: Contact mentor, update on situation. Consider ideas for developmental work.
Thursday: Continue research on programming languages.
Friday: Continue developmental work. Update blog.

Week 2 (Nov. 25 - 30):

Mon: Create models/sound files for Trailer used for developmental work with Photoshop
Tues: Find out about the “bid process”. Use research to complete assignment. Update blog.
Wed: Continue work from Tuesday, Mentor update. Continue developmental work.
Thurs: Continue developmental work.
Fri: Continue developmental work by beginning animation. Write up Plan of Procedure
Update blog.

Week 3 (December 3 - 8):

Mon: Developmental Work
Tues: Update blog.
Wed: Mentor update, use contact info to begin programming.
Thurs: Use Level designs, animations to begin preliminary game design
Fri: Continue work form Thursday. Update blog.

Week 4 (December 11 - 15)

Mon: Finish developmental work.
Tues: Continue game design, Math/Science Analysis. Update blog.
Wed: Mentor Update to ensure my coding is adequate.
Thurs: More work on Game Design.
Fri: See Thurs. Update blog.

Week 5 (December 18 - 23):

Mon: Post Trailer.
Tues: Update blog by submitting Developmental Work.
Wed: Final Mentor Update for marking period. Print contacts and submit to instructors.
Thurs: Work on game design.
Fri: Update Webblog.

Week 6 (January 2 - 7):

Mon – Fri: Submit “Bid Process”. With all assignments now submitted, prepare for Presentation by writing outline.

Week 7 (January 11 - 14)

Mon. – Fri: Presentations. Marking period ends this week.


JD said...

Today I must begin work on Calendar, and must prepare for developmental work. I plan on creating a functional trailer as part of this.

JD said...

I have begun my developmental work. To date, I have completed several animated scenes, as well as varying sound files for use in the trailer and then the final game.

JD said...

All work is progressing nicely. I am on schedule and should be ready with all of my assignments by the end of the marking period.

JD said...

Today I continued my developmental work. I am simultaneously learning C++ through Sams Teach Yourself C in 21 Day. This info will be invaluable in the completion of my project.

JD said...

Today is actually the Friday after December 11, but my internets screwed up, so it actually says January 24, funny eh...
Anyway, I have decided to drop out of the TSA Competition because, let's face it, I'm NEVER going to get this video game done in time.

JD said...

Today is actually the Friday after December 11, but my internets screwed up, so it actually says January 24, funny eh...
Anyway, I have decided to drop out of the TSA Competition because, let's face it, I'm NEVER going to get this video game done in time.

JD said...

Okay, over the break I met with my mentor (it's now January 2nd by the way), *** ******. We discussed some of the finer points of Object-oriented Programming, and I came to a new revelation. Since C++ a college major barely understands it there is now way in **** that I will be able to learn it in six months. So we agreed for me to begin programming in Adobe (Macromedia) Flash instead.

JD said...

Dear Self,
It is now time for me to get my Weblog checked. Thankfully I completed everything in a timely manner, being the model student that I am. As an aside, my dating works again.